Why It’s Important To Make Mistakes

We know that we will make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. But I don’t want to make mistakes and that desire to avoid mistakes can be paralyzing. I don’t consider myself a perfectionist. I’m okay if I stumble into a mistake but my problem is spending too much time figuring out how to avoid mistakes toContinue reading “Why It’s Important To Make Mistakes”

Choosing Our Words

Last week in my post, I equated the word small with insignificant. One of my friends reminded me that small also means small – tiny, little in comparison with something enormous like space. I meant insignificant, she meant tiny. Finding the right words can make a difference in our ability to express ourselves. My husbandContinue reading “Choosing Our Words”

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, the day of resurrection. There is always resurrection. That is our Christian hope and our experience of the creation. Each winter, out of the cold, brown earth, new growth emerges. The interesting thing about the resurrection of Jesus is no one recognized him at first. It was only after eating the fish forContinue reading “Happy Easter!”

Holy Saturday – The Void

Holy Saturday is the in-between day. It is the time Jesus was laying in the tomb, where the disciples were trying to process the horrific death of their savior. How hopeless they must have felt. The person they had followed the last few years, the person they had put all their hope in, was goneContinue reading “Holy Saturday – The Void”

Good Friday

When I was young, no one worked on Good Friday. Businesses were closed and people went to church. I remember sitting though one very long service. I wanted to leave but my grandmother told me that we needed to stay to get the sadness out. What sadness I wondered? My Grandmother had been preparing allContinue reading “Good Friday”